Material Witness

A series of meditative long poems that ritualize perception as a way of maintaining kinship with the non-human world.



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eBook, Paperback

In Material Witness, the poet as human subject keeps vigil over the material world as the quotidian unfolds. The line between observer and observed blurs as non-human agency reveals itself, its own kind of witnessing. In her long poem “Concerning Matters Culinary” inspired by the first Latin cookbook, Machado activates the living matter of gustatory life with wry humor and subtle critique. Encouraging us to eschew nostalgia for deep presence, Machado’s poems remind us that “experience is phenomenal in its segues.”


“What we’ve got here, praise be, is the much-needed sharpening of several extant poetic tools and, by way of those tools, the unearthing (somehow!) of entirely new ones, which is both rare and as it should be. Like a Michael Reafsnyder painting in verse, Material Witness is a most badass gladness to the senses; most melancholy, too, it’s the book I most love by a writer I find to be unfailingly smart, occasionally hilarious, and always oddly moving. What a thorny and thoroughgoing joy.”

-Graham Foust
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ISBN: 9781643622446
Paperback, 80 pages
Publication Date: October 22, 2024
Material Witness proves itself able to imagine a different kind of living and a different poetic form, one that entails embracing indeterminacy, transformation, and interchange. . . the material witness, struggling to look clearly upon a world from which she cannot find the adequate distance, is not only a dilemma but also an invitation, the conditions of possibility for a kind of work (poetic or otherwise) which will radically transform both self and environment.

Aditi Machado is a poet, translator, and essayist. Her works include Some Beheadings (2017), a translation from the French of Farid Tali’s Prosopopoeia (2016), and Emporium (2020), a book …

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