BLACK LAVENDER MILK is an experimental lyric that dreamt of becoming a novel only to wake up as notebook. Employing and smudging elements of poetry, prose and memoir, BLACK LAVENDER MILK offers the space of a ‘novel’ as a site of mourning, inquiry and recuperation. Through a complex, hypnotic blur of language, the lyric-as-novel functions as an extended meditation on Writing in relation to the Body; Time, Loss, Ancestry and Dreaming.
To read Angel Dominguez’s debut novel BLACK LAVENDER MILK is to slowdive into a deep cenote of the psyche, where murmuring dreams and vivid memories slide up against the silky, aqueous skin of ancestral unknowns. Each section rises in soft permutations, emerging as a book in perpetual arrival—with suspension, like a series of perfectly timeless clouds. I’m stunned at his intuitive intellect, touched by the quiet reverence expressed in his endless search for Xix—a body, a history, what remains yet always eludes.
“Black Lavender Milk strikes me as distinctly courageous. It is courageous in its grief, living inside its loss, undeniably lost in it. Perhaps that is its lesson: it is courageous to grieve — or as Dominguez puts it, “to keep returning to a space in hopes of it holding itself when you are not with it: that is an orchard; that is an airport: the ability to designate a state of distance, with a language not of your own language.” The “novel” may fall apart, but Dominguez keeps returning to his wreckage, to the orchard and airport, to grieve, to continually invoke it.”