Latest Past Events

WE WANT IT ALL: a reading of Radical Trans Poetics 12/13


On December 13th a 3PM EST with Innisfree Workshop Series: We will hear readings from: CAConrad, Callie Gardner, Caspar Heinemann, Ian Khara Ellasante, Jaime Townsend, Jimmy Cooper, Jo Barchi & Clara Zornado, José Diaz, Levi Bentley, Nat Raha, Rachel Franklin Wood, and Raquel Salas Rivera. Hosted by the co-editors. RSVP here!

Book Launch: We Want it All with One Archives! 12/6


Please join us for a reading to celebrate the lives and work of contributors Sylvia Rivera, Leslie Feinberg, Bryn Kelly, and Lou Sullivan to "We Want it All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics." This event will include readings by Gaines Parker, Ellis Martin & Zach Ozma, Ariel Goldberg, Sasha Wortzel's film "This is an Address," Robert Giard's […]

We Want It All Launch Event Hosted by Topos Bookstore on 11/19 at 7pm Eastern!


We hope you can join us this Thursday, November 19th at 7pm Eastern for a launch of We Want It All: An Anthology of Radical Trans Poetics edited by Andrea Abi-Karam & Kay Gabriel, hosted by Topos Bookstore! Here is the lineup: Anaïs Duplan Zavé Martohardjono xtian w V Conaty Cyrée Jarelle Johnson Charles Theonia […]